Wait! Before you touch that dial.....Unbelievable what a secondary teacher has to go through to get students to behave, respond to do their work, and to respect their teacher. These students have been so rude, dishonest, disrespectful, deceitful, downright evil, and I can only "turn the other cheek." Today, I dished out the punishment - a "reflection" for the student to complete for being off task, disregarding of classroom materials, distracting others, refusing to work, or insubordination. I have never in my career faced such defiance from students, and I don't enjoy them at all.
I feel for my best and finest students who are trying to do their best, but even they cannot come to my defense, and I have felt "bullied" all year, by this behavior.
Writing this out, and praying, have been my outlet. I am thankful every day for my Savior and Lord, who in his name, I work and pray for the guidance to handle everything the way that is truthful and righteous.
Many days, I know that I didn't even come close to doing anything on my own. I know it was Christ who held me through the night, and guided me through my day. Nothing else on this good earth could have worked.
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