We just finished our testing - and I bought and served snacks to the group I had for nearly four hours in my room taking a standardized test - Terra Nova during their break. I brought trail mix, and Chex mix, along with chocolate snacks, life savers, and gum. Only one student "sort of" thanked "whoever brought in the food." and when I told her that I did, and you're welcome, I got an "Oh..." Many students threw the foil gum wrap and foil from the Hershey Kisses on the floor and threw away almonds and raisins, instead of sharing with someone who would have enjoyed them.
Well, add this to the dishonesty, the deception, the cheating, now the ungrateful.
It is the end of the grading period, and there is a student or two, asking me why - after a mid-report that clearly showed a "D" what was "I" going to do. This young lady spends her time - too much with a boyfriend who is not a good influence. She has NEVER asked to visit during a study hall, and makes frequent requests to leave the classroom.
Well, young lady, you got yourself into this predicament - and the ball is in your court!
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