Monday, June 28, 2010

Should bring Tears to your eyes

Thank you Mike Aquilina!

If you have a need to watch movies, such as Angels and Demons,  Lost Symbol or the DiVinci Code, it would help to put all the background into perspective by informing yourself with some quick reads by Mike Aquilina.  Here are some of the latest I recommend:

Signs and Mysteries -  Revealing Ancient Christian Symbols -
   which makes me want to have these signs all over my home!   I have a Fish Vessel and  the Vine/Grapes.  There are 24 more that would complement any Christian Home!  Aquilina explains chapter by chapter, each symbol with appropriate illustrations to show the original appearance on everyday items of early Christians. 
Try this one:

You will be more aware of the role of the heavenly hosts, and more aware of their presence in our lives.  We are reminded our our guardian, and the guardian of others.   
This quick read includes angel prayers! 

The Fathers of the Church

I have this book on my KINDLE, and I'm still in the middle of it.  Also insightful for the lay reader.   Helpful to those of us, who are unable to visit Vatican archives and research for ourselves.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


For all readers: This site allows you to join discussions on
  • what you are reading, 
    • what you have read, 
    • and what you plan to read. 
Join and ENJOY!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

OH no...OBAMA!

What in the world? Why did this country elect such a man, who has already placed the tax dollars of the working class in the United States in the places that will provide for abortion? Now he is hurrying Congress to pass a Health Care Plan to rival the world, and yet a health care plan, thousands of pages long that NO ONE who is voting on it has read; that could also be born out of all tax payers to also provide for abortion? When will this madness stop?

I'm glad to say the madness has begun to stop with the NOVEMBER elections.  I voted PRO-life and pulled the Republican party line!   GOP again, and hopefully the pro-abortion politicians are thrown out for good!

Getting Ready to return to school

Every fall, this time of "getting ready" precedes the event on August 31st, when I return to school. I still have much to do, reading and working in the room. There is an orientation at the school for the incoming 7th graders, this week, but this is no longer my focus.

Working with the 9th graders, I see I have a much better schedule for this year, and much better students to work with, we'll see how it goes.  Usually students are very much "into" their studies in the fall, things generally get boring to them by the winter; and once the "testing" season is over, they shut down.   So human, they are.    I hope I'm ready.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sadly, another student is gone

A former student, a quiet wonderful young lady, age 28, is now gone.  She leaves a husband and a one year old son.  She lost her father at an early age.   She was never bitter, always loving and giving.  She adds to the list of former students lost.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

9 DAYS That Changed the WORLD

Citizens United Productions -  Nine Days That Changed the World 
"Let your Spirit descend and renew the face of the earth, and this land!"
Pope John Paul II, Warsaw, Poland, June 2, 1979
Pictured above on Good Friday, just before his death, unto eternal life.
I graduated on June 5, 1979, while Pope John Paul was on his first 9-day pilgrimage to his homeland.  I was not totally aware of the tremendous impact that his visit had on his people.  My Polish grandmother was always pleased  with the Polish Pope, and I have come to understand her love of this man.  
Check out
for a video for your church.