Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Saying Grace

Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from Thy bounty through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

How easy it is to forget Grace before meals while teaching in a public school. My 30 minute lunch begins when the students finally leave my room at 12:25 p.m., the final lunch of the day. I often have a straggler or two, and things to put away, before I can work my way to the faculty lunch room. I nearly always forget to say my grace before digging in. I often have a cheese stick in my mouth, while I wait my turn at the microwave, and glance at the time on the clock, 16 minutes remain. I still need to take a few of those minutes to stop at the restroom. What can I eat while my entree is almost microwaved?

The lunch conversation has already begun, and I'm nearly the last one to sit down. No one waits for anyone else. It is so impersonal. Worst of all, I have forgotten again to say grace, and give thanks for the opportunity from work, to sit and eat a mid-day meal.

Lord - Give me the gentle reminder to say grace.....


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